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About Baal


Baal Kadmon is an Author, Occultist, and Meditation teacher based out of New York City. In addition to the Occult, he is a Scholar of Religion, Philosopher, and Historian specializing in Ancient History, Late Antiquity, and Medieval History. He has studied and speaks Israeli Hebrew, Classical Hebrew, Ugaritic language, Arabic, Judeo-Aramaic, Syriac (language), Ancient Greek, and Classical Latin.

Baal first discovered his occult calling when he was very young. It was only in his teens, when on a trip to the Middle East that he heeded the call. Several teachers and many decades later he felt ready to share what he had learned.

Over the last few years, Baal has helped thousands of people empower themselves with the magickal knowledge and tools they need to thrive. 

The key features of Baal's work are his grasp of ancient languages, and his methodical approach to the topics he writes about. This knowledge and methodology allows him to clarify, and often shatter untruths and deceptions currently being propagated within the Occult community.

You can find his books on Amazon:

Or visit his other sites:

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Dedicated to Saint Expedite. please go to:

For Audio Meditations, Please go to:

Santa Muerte Dedication site:

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