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In this Bundle you get both the Meditation Course and the Lucid Dreaming Course for one low price.

Here is what you will learn:


Lucid Dreaming Course Content: 

 This course has over 4 hours of high-quality video and audio content. Aside from the videos, you will receive a transcript of each lesson, and MP3 audios of each lesson so you can listen to it on the go.  As a bonus, I have included Brainwave Entrainment audios and Hypnosis audios that you can use to help you Lucid Dream.


Here is what you will learn:

Section 1: The foundations

What is a Dream?

What is Lucid Dreaming?

The History of Lucid Dreaming

Sleep and Sleep Cycles

The Science of Lucid Dreaming

The Different Levels of Lucidity

The Key Function of the Subconscious Mind that Helps with Lucid Dreaming

Misconceptions About Lucid Dreaming

The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

The Dangers of Lucid Dreaming

Key Terms You Should Know

The Difference Between Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection  

Things That Can Derail Your First Lucid Dreaming Attempts  

How to Remember Your Dreams

The Dream and The Dreamer

Section 2: Lucid Dreaming – Beyond the Basics

How to Handle Sleep Paralysis

How and Why You Should Keep Track of Your Lucid Dreams

False Awakenings

Reality Checks

Brainwave Entrainment and Lucid Dreaming       

Section 3:  The Methods & Techniques

Opening Remarks

Dream Incubation

Meditation and Lucid Dreaming

Hypnosis and Lucid Dreaming

How to induce Lucid Dreaming Using Several Methods: Including some that use Tarot cards and Runes and many more

How to Control Your Dreams

Creating Dream Figures and Interacting With Them

How to Remain Lucid

Section 4: Practical Applications of Lucid Dreaming

Using Lucid Dreams for Healing

Using Lucid Dreams to Help with Emotional Wounds

How to Use Lucid Dreaming to Stop Nightmares

How to Use Lucid Dreaming to Solve Problems

How to Enhance Creativity with Lucid Dreaming

How to Practice and Improve any Skill In a Lucid Dream

Lucid Dreaming to Improve Your Magick

How to Have Lucid Dream Sex 

How To Time Travel In a Lucid Dream

Section 5: Tools You Can Use to Enhance Your Lucid Dreaming

Meditation Course Content:

This course has 3.5 hours of high-quality video and audio content. Aside from the videos, you will receive a transcript of each lesson, and MP3 audios of each lesson so you can listen to it on the go.  As a bonus, I have included Brainwave Entrainment audios that you can use for your own meditation practice.


Here is what you will learn:

The Meaning of Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

The Science of Meditation

Misconceptions About meditation

Your Default State

The Subconscious Mind

The Main Reason Meditation is Difficult

Allowing Thoughts to Emerge

Brainwave Entrainment and How It Enhances Meditation

The Pitfalls of Meditation


We will also go through the following meditations together:

1.       Mantra Chanting Meditation – OM Mantra

2.       Third Eye Meditation

3.       Mindfulness Meditation

4.       Guided Imagery – Body Scanning Meditation

5.       Loving-Kindness or Metta Meditation

6.       Vipassana Meditation

7.       Gazing Meditation

8.       Self-Inquiry Meditation

9.       Pranayama Breathing Meditation

10.   The Sound of Silence Meditation

11.   Sitting with God – Christian-based Meditation

12.   Sufi Meditation - Resonating with one of the names of Allah.

13.   Lurianic Kabbalistic meditation

As a bonus I have included 4 Brainwave Entrainment audios you can download and use to get you in the optimum brain state when you meditate on your own.


This course bundle comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you find it is not for you, please ask for a refund and I will refund every dollar, no questions asked, no hard feelings.



If you are ready to start, You can signup with a Credit Card or Paypal


Enroll Now For Only $69.95

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